Blogging about Work

Blogging about Work

I’ve decided (spurred by a conversation with my good friend Fil) to start blogging more about my industry.   I’ve been involved heavily in the mobile industry for a year now, and in the consumer internet industry for longer than that.  Last night I gave a talk at the Plug and Play Center on Mobile Gaming, which was well received.  I have lots of ideas to share, and maybe this can be the way to share them.

On the personal side, this blog has been more about my life and travels.  Now that I’m at Playdom, and working on a lot of strategy for the mobile division much of my free time goes into thinking about the future of the mobile industry.   Earlier in my career I scoffed at this lack of separation between work and play but now I embrace it because I’m truly involved and enjoying my work. I’ll continue to talk about my life outside of work as well (headed to Brazil again in a month!), but I’ll look to include more industry insights here.